Eco Ki-O-Rahi Set

Original price was: $ 336.50.Current price is: $ 220.00. inc GST


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Eco Ki-O-Rahi Set

• 1 x Te Tupu (Recycled Drum) .
These drums are thoroughly cleaned at the point of manufacturing & also by Sports Distributors prior to dispatch.
• 7x Nga Pou (Field Posts)
• 1x Ki-O-Rahi Ball


The Game:

Two teams play against each other on a circular field consisting of three highly visable concentric circles, each a minimum of 100mm wide.

  • Each sircle constitutes a zone
  • The outer zone is ‘Te Ao’ it is 12 metres wide
  • The middle zone is ‘Te Roto’ is is 6 metres wide
  • The central zone is ‘Te Motu’ – this zone includes the ‘Tupu’ and ‘Pawero’
  • The opposing teams are named ‘Kioma’ and ‘Taniwha’

The aim of the Kioma team is to score tries ‘tupu manawa’ while the opposing Taniwha team attempts to score hits ‘tupu wairua’ on the large central target ‘te tupu’.
The team which scores the most points, or the team which scores team times ina row wins the game.


The GameTwo teams play against each other on a circular field consisting of 3highly visible concentric circles, each a minimum 100mm wide.• Each circle constitutes a zone.• The outer zone is ‘Te Ao’. It is 12 metres wide.• The middle zone is ‘Te Roto’. It is 6 metres wide.• The central zone is ‘Te Motu’• This zone includes the ‘Tupu’ and ‘Pawero’.• The opposing teams are named “Kioma” & “Taniwha”The aim of the Kioma team is to score tries “tupu manawa” while the opposing Taniwha team attempts toscore hits “tupu wairua” on the large centre target called a “tupu”. The team which scores the most pointsOR the team which scores ten times in a row wins the game.

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